We have prepared for you a list of what you need to take care of before starting a repair. How to insure civil liability, what should be warned by neighbors and what should be ordered in advance.
If you decide to make repairs in your apartment, cosmetic or major, then you need to take into account a number of issues that may arise during the upcoming work. We have prepared 7 valuable recommendations for you that can help you avoid unpleasant situations while updating your apartment.
1. Planning
Determine for yourself what kind of repair you want to do. Based on this, make an estimate, plan the funds, think over the amount of necessary building and finishing materials, tools. Include here the cost of the construction team and leave some of the funds for various unforeseen situations.
You need to immediately determine what kind of wallpaper you will glue or which tile you will put, since some materials must be ordered in advance and wait several months. This also applies to plumbing.
2. Permission to redevelop
Due to the fact that most of our apartments have an uncomfortable layout, many of us slightly or thoroughly change it: combine a bathroom with a bath, increase the area of the kitchen or bedroom, and sometimes demolish all the extra walls, creating a studio apartment.
It seems that you can do whatever you want in your apartment. Who will find out, even if it is illegal? But if you want to sell or exchange your apartment, then its plan will necessarily appear in the execution of the relevant contracts. That is why you need to get special permission for redevelopment.
You can solve this issue yourself or seek help from companies that specialize in the preparation of such documents. Whichever option you choose, issuing a redevelopment permit is better in advance than later having problems with the law.
3. Study the law:
It is important to study the law before starting repairs: items that relate to noise and construction work. We will introduce you to some excerpts.
Noisy work under Russian law can be carried out from 9.00 to 19.00, in some regions the concept of "quiet time" has been introduced. Check the permitted times for noisy repairs for your city.
Some special equipment and tools can make a lot of noise, which is why it is forbidden to use devices that exceed the level of noise and vibration. On Saturday and Sunday, as well as public holidays, any repairs are prohibited.
Repair and construction work without a break can last no more than six hours. After that, you need to take an hour break.
4. Warn neighbors
Repair comes and goes, but the neighbors remain. And in order not to spoil relations with them, it is better to immediately warn them about their plans. To do this, write an ad and place it on the main entrance door at the entrance.
In the announcement, indicate the approximate duration of the repair and construction work, days and time of their implementation. Leave your contact details, your neighbors may have any questions or clarifications.
Repair should not exceed the duration of work more than three months. If it continues after this time, then in case of complaints from neighbors, the owners of the apartment may be held administratively liable.
When repairing, it must be borne in mind that work must be carried out without invading common areas. These include: elevators, walkways, landings, and stairs.
5. Think over an electrician
Modern interiors abound with a wealth of all kinds of highlights. Each room creates its own lighting scenario, using various lamps, LEDs, chandeliers, floor lamps, spotlights. All this looks very beautiful and creates a special atmosphere.
Thinking through the electrics in your apartment, provide a common switch for all light sources. So you do not have to go to bed all over the apartment and turn off all types of lighting that are available there.
6. Put things away
Before starting repairs, you need to take care of where you will take all your belongings. Well, if you have another apartment. If not, you may need to rent a small garage. If this is not possible, then you need to put all things in one of the rooms.
It is important to carefully pack fragile things, and valuable ones to identify in a safe place. Curtains with carpets need to be well packed so that they do not nourish the building dust.
If during the repair, for example cosmetic, you are not going to clean the furniture, then wrap it with a special film. It can be found in any hardware store, it is called - "For repair work."
7. Construction waste
Yes, construction waste should be taken care of in advance, and not when it has already accumulated. This is especially true in cases where you have to demolish walls, change tiles or tiles, and update plumbing.
Think in advance about where and how you will dispose of the waste. Today there are special companies that, for small funds are engaged in the removal of construction waste. They can provide you with a garbage container in which you can put all the waste, after which a special car will take them out.
We also advice to immediately agree with your constructions team so that they maintain cleanliness at the entrance. Or do it yourself if you are doing the repair yourself.
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